Friday, September 2, 2011

Fundraiser slowly gaining ground, but we need more help!

The Lucas “Make a Mighty Difference” fundraising campaign pulled in a little more support since last Friday, for a new total of $5,902.80. Again, hats off to the parents, grandparents, school staff, community members and others who are digging deep to help us reach our goal of raising $25,000 for our great school by October 10 – just over five weeks away!

Remember, if every Lucas family donates $90, we’ll reach our goal with ease! So if you haven’t given yet, and you’re looking for motivation to do so, consider the testimonials from members of the Lucas community below.

And as always, Go Mighty Hawks!!!

The world has changed a lot since the time I went to elementary school in Iowa City. Getting our kids ready to be productive members of society means providing them with real life learning opportunities. I have contributed to the Make a Mighty Difference campaign because I want Lucas students to have the same opportunities for learning that kids in new schools have. In fact, I want Lucas kids to be not only connected through technology, I want them to be just as comfortable exploring nature and caring for the environment as they are interacting online! I am proud to be the principal at Lucas. Our kids deserve our support.
- Julia Burton
Principal, Lucas Elementary

We have been part of the Lucas family for more than 10 years. This is a school that has given our two girls a fantastic elementary experience. Now with the Make a Mighty Difference campaign we are excited to be able to give directly to Lucas instead of having our donated dollars go to a third party fundraising company. We are proud to be part of this campaign, which will help ensure every child has the opportunity to receive an excellent education. Go Mighty Hawks!
- Melinda and Stephen Pradarelli
Lucas parents

We were excited to give to the Make a Mighty Difference Campaign because we love Lucas Elementary School and we don't want our kids to have to sell things to our family, friends and neighbors. We support the PTO's efforts to streamline fundraising so our kids can focus on learning.
- Renee Speh
Lucas parent

Lucas kids are lucky to receive high quality education, which Iowa City schools are known for, from dedicated teachers and staff who do an amazing job with increasingly finite resources.  There is no shortage of ways we can choose to spend our money these days, but I did not hesitate to give to the Make a Mighty Difference campaign because it is an investment in our children and their future.
- Ben Hill
Lucas Parent

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