Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Parent Cafes - Training, Connecting & Uplifting

Johnson County CPPC is proud to present to our community the first “Keep Your Family Strong” Parent Café installation. We are excited to get parent interacting and discussing with one another the challenges and the joys of being parents. This is a six-week series. 

Parent Cafes will be held at Uptown Bill’s Coffee House located at 730 S. Dubuque St. Iowa City, IA beginning Wednesday, Jan. 25 from 6 to 8pm. We will provide light refreshments or parents can purchase some food from the coffee house. We will provide free childcare and family resources. This café is well suited for parents with children from 3 years to teens. Many of the concepts are universal and parents can learn from one another.

Parent Cafés are a vehicle for parents to have their own conversations about keeping their families strong based on a set of Protective Factors that help prevent child abuse and neglect. They are a method of facilitating conversations among parents about the things that keep their families strong—because keeping families strong is the same as preventing abuse and neglect, and parents are responsible for keeping their children safe.

There are six messages that are tied directly to the Protective Factors that we will explore:

1. Be strong and flexible
2. Parents need friends
3. Being a great parent is part natural and part learned
4. We all need help sometimes
5. Parents need to help their children communicate
6. Give your children the love and respect they need

We have limited space for this program. Please assist or ask families to fill out the Eventbrite link below so that we can reserve them a spot today.

We are still looking for volunteers for the 6 weeks for childcare and we are looking for more table hosts.

Register today: