Sunday, February 26, 2017

New 7th grade immunization requirements

Per Iowa law, at the start of the 2017-18 school year there will be two immunizations required for 7th grade entry. These immunizations are Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis/whooping cough) and meningococcal (to prevent meningitis, a bacteria that infects the brain, blood and spinal cord). The meningococcal shot is a new requirement for the 2017-18 school year. The Tdap shot has been required since 2013-14. Some students will have already received these shots during their regular physical exams. Please check your child’s immunization record to find out if they had the Tdap booster and Meningitis shot. Please turn in the documentation to school if the shots were received.

According to the new meningococcal shot state law, students that have not received the immunization will not meet the mandatory immunization requirement and no grace period to catch-up will be given. (There is a short grace period for the Tdap shot however). Students will not be able to come to school on the first day of the 2017-18 school year if parents have not provided documentation that their child received the meningococcal shot. Parents should call their child’s health care provider now to make appointments for these immunizations. Johnson County Public Health also provides the immunizations at no cost to children with or without health insurance. Please call 319-356- 6042 to make an appointment.

Feel free to contact the school nurse at your child’s elementary school if you have questions or need assistance getting the required immunizations.