Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Get to Know a Mighty Hawk: Mr. Dayton

Each month, The Mighty Hawk Messenger profiles a Lucas staff member to help our community get to know him or her better.  This month, we talked to our building substitute teacher, Mr. Dayton.

The Mighty Hawk Messenger:  Can you describe your role at Lucas?

Mr. Dayton: My role at Lucas is that of building substitute teacher, which included a stint in the role of guidance teacher.  

The Mighty Hawk Messenger:  How long have you been in the teaching field?  What did you do before coming to Lucas?

Mr. Dayton:  I taught for 7 years in high school and another 4 in middle school.  I was a substitute teacher for Iowa City C.S.D. last year before acquiring the building sub position this year at Lucas.

The Mighty Hawk Messenger:  What do you like most about teaching multiple grades and subjects?  What is challenging about it?

Mr. Dayton: It is nice having the variety of working with students of different grade levels and subjects.  Getting to see the different skill levels and nuances of their development is interesting.  

The Mighty Hawk Messenger:  What are your favorite things to do when you’re not at work?

Mr. Dayton: My favorite thing to do when I am not at work is traveling.  I like to learn about the history of different cities and explore the activities that they have to offer.   Lastly, I really enjoy trying different kinds of ethnic foods when I visit new places.  

The Mighty Hawk Messenger:  Who was a teacher or other adult in your life who inspired you as a child?  What did he/she do that was so memorable?

Mr. Dayton: The people who inspired me as a child were my parents.  They encouraged me and instilled a good work ethic. 

The Mighty Hawk Messenger:  In a world of unlimited resources, how would you spend winter break?  How does that compare to how you actually spent it?

Mr. Dayton: Given unlimited resources over winter break I would have done a lot of traveling.  My actual winter break was mostly spent relaxing and spending some time with friends and family.  

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