Basket Auction

Below are the basket themes selected by Lucas teachers and students for the October 18 Basket Auction and Family Supper.

Parents, please make sure to send donations for the baskets to school with your child no later than Thursday, October 14. Note that separate from the baskets, individuals and families are welcome to contribute baked goods, crafts or other items that can be auctioned off to raise money for Lucas. Families can even donate their own baskets of goodies if they'd like. If you plan to donate these kinds of items, please bring them to the Lucas multipurpose room after 3 p.m. the day of the auction.

Room Parent Leaders, once the items are donated, you will work with your designated teachers to put the baskets together.

Questions? Contact Basket Auction PTO Chairs Ashley Cahoon at 351-4024 or Cathy Fehr at

Thanks again for all your support!

Steve and Melinda Pradarelli

Themes by Grade and Class


D. Smith: Art Supplies

Jude Jensen: Kids in the Kitchen (cookbooks, aprons, hats, colorful cooking tools, fun-shaped pans, sprinkles, etc.) (Please note: Ms. Jensen is separately putting together a basket with the theme of “Cat Adoption Kit.” There is no need for families to donate to this basket unless they want to).

Sanders/Jensen: Halloween

1st Grade

Kessler: Give Thanks. Parents can donate between $2 and $10 or bring in one of the following items:
• Turkey baster
• Can of cranberry sauce
• Can of pumpkin
• French's fried onions for green bean casserole
• Mini marshmallows for sweet potatoes
• Thanksgiving themed kitchen towels, napkins, paper plates, etc.
• Taper candles for the table
• Table runner
• Hy Vee gift cards

Humrich (2 basket themes): Desserts (cookie cutters, mixes, sprinkles, candles, etc.) and Halloween (no candy -- just decorations, flashlights, pumpkins, stickers)

T Smith: Family Games

2nd Grade

Turnquist: Read 'n Feed (Books and Treats)

Hill: Hawkeye Tailgate

Brown: Write on!

3rd Grade

Jeffrey: Ice Cream Sundae Toppings

Martin: Dinner In! (Series of smaller baskets featuring a family meal: Mexican, Italian, Pizza, Soups)

4th Grade

Gugliuzza/Vincent: Sweet Tooth

Wieland: City High

Ryan: Family Night (examples include movies, popcorn and other food; board games, books; pumpkin-carving items)

5th Grade

Moore: Candy

Dixon: Pets

6th Grade

Dostal: Movie Night

Meade: Baking and Holiday Treats

5th/6th Grade

Newell: Hawkeyes

Lucas On Campus (LOC)

Dolezal: Souper