Tuesday, September 11, 2012

PTO welcomes new members at first meeting

If you missed last night's PTO meeting, you missed a chance to meet some fabulous new members. We were thrilled to welcome many parents of Kindergartners and first graders to their first Lucas PTO meeting. You can catch up on the action with this detailed report from our Secretary, Sarah Lynch.

As you learned from Principal Karrie Merriweather's email and phone messages on Sunday, ALL Lucas parents are members of the PTO. We know not everyone can attend the meetings, but that doesn't mean you can't be involved. We'll have lots of opportunities to participate in events and activities throughout the year. Watch this space, "Like" us on Facebook, and listen for phone calls from your child's room parent, all offering ways you can support our students, teachers, and the entire Lucas family. It's great to be a Mighty Hawk!

1 comment:

  1. It is GREAT to be a Mighty Hawk! Thanks for coming to the meeting and we hope to see you again October 8th, plus bring some friends! Next meeting we want to have a chance to discuss the outdoor expansion projects, in detail, and hear about the upcoming Halloween Dance.
